
DINZ德网 | Joaquim Portela策划了一场与历史的深度对话

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Protection and Functional

Reinvention of Historic Buildings


The Legal Innovation Center is located in the historic center of the city of Bragança.This building suffered several interventions over the years, to adapt to the different functions required. Some of these interventions defaced important areas of the building and required restoration.


Following the program required for the Legal Innovation Center, it was decided to enhance the relevant architectural features.


Staircase Renaissance

 Architectural Integration


It was decided to give the staircase a new life, not with the initial reducing purpose for which it was created – to cause an impact of monumentality on those who entered the building with a uniquely scenic character – but to extend this monumentality to the entire building, defining a way, which at the same time creates/distributes the intended program for the building’s new function, and make this program more interconnected by the visual and continuous communication that the route allows.

草图 ©Joaquim Portela Arquitetos

平面图 ©Joaquim Portela Arquitetos
剖面图 ©Joaquim Portela Arquitetos

项目名称 | Juridic Inovation Center建筑面积 | 596 ㎡项目团队 | Marta Couto Rocha, Filipa Roque, Mafalda Martins, Emma Wang, Pedro Queirós, Patricia Silva承  包 商 | Habinordeste - Sociedade de Construções项目摄影 | José Campos

Joaquim Portela Arquitetos成立于1997年,自此以来一直是一个建筑实验室。无论项目的规模大小,团队都会承诺在设计的各个阶段进行详尽的研究,不会放弃任何有助于改进项目的程序。所有团队成员都是经验丰富的专业人士,他们都是以极高的严谨性挑选出来的,与我们的工作室非常契合。

The architecture studio was founded in 1997 and has since been an architecture laboratory. Regardless of the scale of the project, our team commits to doing an exhaustive study in all design stages without discarding any procedures that contribute to the improvement of the project. The architecture studio and all team members are professionals with a great deal of experience, selected with a high level of stringency in tune with our studio. 

MASTER PROJECTCity-HallA147.-House


Luisa Castiglioni丨自由与传承

Moshe Safdie×Piero Lissoni | Mamilla HotelFran Silvestre Arquitectos | 自由的轻盈Peter Zumthor | Zumthor House大师专题分享丨贝聿铭


