

DesiDaily 布鲁盟室内设计 2023-09-24


Culture reflects and shapes the spirit of our times. In the design industry, present creation draws from past accumulation and becomes future memory.


With Oriental cultural lineage and classic garden poetry, Zhuozheng Jiangnan Courtyard, separated from World Cultural Heritage Zhuozheng Garden by only one wall, is the cultural heritage of Suzhou gardens and local history. With the fifty-six Chinese-styled villas housed in 11 buildings, China Railway Construction Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. pays tribute to the long-standing Chinese preference for courtyards, demonstrates the artistic values, and continues the traditional culture.


Zhuozheng Jiangnan Soft Decoration Design


Bluemoon Design is responsible for the soft decoration design of the premium villas. As a powerful, phenomenal and famous interior design company, Bluemoon Design has integrated the aesthetic concepts from both the East and West, and gained more insights into the commonalities in the spirit of scholars in history and people of taste in modern times. It has been playing an important role of exporter of oriental culture by expressing its special insights into Chinese culture and modern arts, realizing spiritual recognition, cultural identity and aesthetic recognition of spatial design. In the design, Kelly Lin expresses the collective memory of oriental aesthetics and recognition of contemporary art, to awaken Oriental charm with a humanistic grand villa.




Suzhou and Its Poetry

Cultural Confidence and Oriental Renaissance


Suzhou, a city with a history of 1,000 years, is known as the Oriental Venice, thanks to its beautiful scenery with waters and bridges in the south of the Yangtze River. Walking along the alleys there, you can feel the historical pavilions, brick-and-mortar houses, and vegetation, which have dotted the whole city, telling you moving stories of the past. Imagination mingles with reality, enabling people to feel both decay and prosperity, antiquity and new life.


Zhuozheng Jiangnan

作为一座现代化都市,苏州不仅在历朝历代的更迭中沉淀了岁月的瑰宝,更形成了空间上的经典格局 —— 其中心地带保留了青瓦白墙、高木深巷的古建筑,在城市更新的摩天大楼映衬下,形成了泾渭分明的东方之美。

As a modern city, Suzhou boasts not only a long history about the rise and fall of dynasties, but also forms the classic spatial layout. There is a well-preserved area in the city center, where grey tiles and white walls, tall trees and long lanes can be seen everywhere, which are in sharp contrast with the skyscrapers during the urban regeneration.


Suzhou natives love secluded places protected by winding path. Large residences with extraordinary depth tend to be partitioned with meandering corridors, paths, artificial mountains and plants. Zhuozheng Jiangnan Courtyard is a poetic settlement that scholars are dreaming about and a small world full of vigor and vitality.


Complete Layout


Designer Kelly Lin believes that culture and elegance in modern times are not only a style, but also spiritual renaissance of oriental culture. She displays cultural confidence in modern era through contemporary artistic expressions and historical, modern, global design elements. Exploring relevance and interaction between design and regional culture, Bluemoon Design tries to trace the path of virtual and real scenario creation in classic Chinese garden aesthetics, gaining more insights into the commonalities in spirit of historical scholars and writers, as well as people of modern taste.


Designers are probing into the forms of Suzhou gardens and inheriting their spirit as well. The philosophy of space has been explored from comprehensive perspectives of arts. Imagination and reality are reproduced on the basis of internationalized aesthetic and artistic concepts, which have broken the limitations of time, space, elements and craftsmanship. The philosophy of transcending the secular world and interplay of solid and void, together with the aesthetic imaginations of the era is embodied in Oriental culture, which endows the empty space with ethereal touches.


Main Lounge

设计从“疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏”的诗意中获得灵感,以一面名为"AUTUMN GARDEN SCENE UNDER MOON"的屏风演绎江南风雅,加之融合了古典美学与当代质感的家具、阵列齐整的水晶灯饰、精巧别致的摆件小品,一个谈天论地、盏品诗篇的会客空间跃然成形。素雅的浅灰底色,搭配典雅的琥珀色、朴拙的木色和克制的碧绿色,设计以鲜明的色彩层次渲染东方格调。

The living room, as the center of the mansion, is luxurious. The design draws its inspiration from a line of poem: The moon casts some shadow on the shallow water, while there is lingering fragrance at dusk. Such a design finds expression in a folding screen originally known as "Autumn Garden Scene Under Moon". Together with various quality classic furniture, exquisite decorations, and simple, elegant color palette, the design is a perfect demonstration of cultural elegance in the south of the Yangtze River.




Fluid Fusion

Recreation of Oriental Elements


Traditional culture and aesthetic value are the internalization of spiritual core. Being good at incorporating traditional Chinese elements into the space for modern lifestyle, Bluemoon enables the oriental elements to be reconstructed and demonstrated. The designer has removed the barriers between tradition and modernity by building a brand-new space and creating object language with new approaches, such as scale, relations, senses and orders, so that material and space become the media to perceive time.




The tea room, decorated with ceramic tea wares, has chosen the colors of traditional stationary and tea. The abstract ink staining process, glass showcase and internationalized colors have created an atmosphere of elegance and delicacy in the space. Windows on three sides have brought both light and shadow into the room, through which residents can see the garden and the winding corridors there. The tangible black oak is in great harmony with the earthy carpet, while there is a sharp contrast between the plum-blossom-shaped crystal ornament and walnut burl, posing a special experience of culture.


Kelly Lin’s continuation and respect of traditional Oriental culture not only presents in the aesthetic expressions of elements, symbols, patterns, and lines. Aside from the characteristic furniture and decorations, she permeates the meaning of culture and spirit into the space.


Dining Room


Suzhou gardens, a poetic world which their builders are dreaming for, are especially constructed for the scholars, who have shown their ideals for man and nature, and philosophy of the universe via the landscapes there. Based on the scholars’ oriental interest and expectation for a better life, the gardens aim to protect and inherit the core genes of Chinese culture, integrate modern designs and exquisite handicrafts, in order to apply traditional processes to our daily life and make products unique to Suzhou into our daily utensils. Users can enjoy the beauty of wares, scenery, vision and concepts. In the space, the mixture of metal and crystal artistic lighting decorations, flower and birds embossed elegant fabric coating, together with layered colorful wall covering seem casually placed, but in fact they are all in the principle of poetic composition of deconstruction and reconstruction, which is elegant and serene.


Pushing the door wide open and the view presents itself. The dining room as a whole displays visual depth of "the Chinese inky mountains and stones, with meandering paths". Against the backdrop of the scenery in the courtyard, the Suzhou-styled window frames have turned into showcases. The complex plaids on carpets and furniture seem to be casual, but in fact, they have reconstructed the poetic landscape. Glass decorations and mirrors have provided the place withs senses of transparency and depth.


"The union of traditional culture and aesthetic value stems from nurturing of the spatial spirit. Contemporary design can trace the past and shape the future, it also needs to draw from global cutting-edge trends, while preserving the core cultural faith, to experience and ponder, to create a familiar yet fresh feeling in the changing forms of contemporary art."Says Kelly Lin.




The study, with high-quality pens and ink, has incorporated the best designs of Chi Wing Lo, which has integrated the design spirit and the core of oriental culture into modern life. The aesthetic logic always coexists with real modern life. The abstract painting, as the finishing touch, has instilled the freedom of modern art into the space.




Humanistic Beauty

A Look Into the Contemporary Intellectual


Design can not only make use of a great variety of forms and colors in nature, but also create inexhaustible images with imagination to present reality with perceptual image.


Master Bedroom


Based on the profound interpretation of contemporary aesthetics, Kelly Lin expresses her insights into the detailed design, endowing a piece of partition screen, a piece of chair, a carpet, a floral vase, etc. with elegant undertone, integrating the inner spatial ambience and emotional vibes, and refreshing the overall style in the glimmering light.


Parents Room


The room for the parents is also suitable for young ladies, which distills the ambience of plum blossoms in black ink, and through abstractness, simplification and transformation, manifesting as backdrop paintings, patterned carpets, together with pinky bedding and ambient lighting. Oriental charm can be felt indoors and modernity finds expression in details.


Daughter's Room


The gray-pink hue as dominant color palette, with the integration of hand-embroidery and natural elements, creates the ambience of plain silk garment with colorful refined yarns.


Granddaughter's Room


The granddaughter room symbolizes "perfection" with the decoration of childish round-shaped elements. Designers adopt the approach of classic and contemporary to convey transforming geometry into perfection. Suzhou-styled fans are applied into floral arrangement, paper-cutting montage flowers enriches a touch of dreamy atmosphere to the space. Various of warm color palette plush carpet creates serene and comfortable quality, acting as a symbol of bright lifestyle.


Guest Room


Usage of colors is calm and restrained in the guestroom with a simplistic gray base tone. The overall aesthetic presents as "weaving vines and elegant calligraphy" with the silk Suzhou embroidery, going beyond simple imagination and stereotype. Contemporary design approaches make the profound culture in Suzhou and in the south of the Yangtze River tangible and appealing to the beautiful aspiration of people by gaining more insights into oriental culture and its application, probing into the essence of contemporary aesthetics, mining and innovating the connotations of spirit.


Son's Room


Prominent and perfect images of landscape, light and shadow, present a sharp contrast between dark colors and light colors, and an interesting harmony of abstract ridges and peaks, and simple contemporary geometric lines. A great variety of forms, materials and textures have produced a large, tranquil and comfortable space, which equals an immersive and artistic world of both tradition and modernity.


Suzhou gardens are paintings of three dimensions and poetry of concretion. Kelly Lin is not only a designer, but also a poet and practitioner of Chinese culture. She has paid attention to the forms and development of traditional Chinese arts, values of Chinese culture, interests and aesthetics of scholars, insights into the society and cultural psychology, so that she is able to transplant abstract or specific symbols into each public space, create a unique poetic oriental world in contemporary era, with which she can interpret cultural confidence in modern designs. 


项目地址丨江苏 苏州

开 发 商丨中国铁建地产华东公司




室内设计丨AB Concept



邦邦 Kelly Lin



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